Back on the Internet again…

This happens all the time.  I promise myself that I will post on a blog or a social media platform consistently, no matter what.  And then.  I get tired.  I get depressed.  I think no one is reading or watching.  I go inside myself until I return and blame this cycle on the reason why I haven’t been able to build a bigger fan base for my work.

A part of me has come to the acceptance of this cycle.  I am an artist.  I am a performer but I am also a writer.  The performer in me wants and has to be “on” and “out there”.  But the writer in me wants and has to be alone, and introspective.  There seems to be no way around this.  I am just not the type to chart my process.  When it’s ready for the public, I share it with world.  Happily.  Necessarily.

The performer in me is gearing up for about a month of engagements starting next week: performance of my solo play Spiritrials in Dallas, development of my ensemble musical Try/Step/Trip in Dallas and Amherst, and then an international fellowship where I’ll be teaching hip-hop in Central Asia.  After that, I’m hoping to travel a bit through India and Kyrgysztan.  Sometimes it can be so lonely on the road, and it’s actually when I love to post.  I’m hoping to share all my adventures with you, whoever you are, wherever you are.   You’ll be seeing me soon.  I hope.  I mean, I’m really gonna try.  Don’t quote me.